Sunday, July 12, 2009

What's hidden in there?

I was reading a blog of a dear friend in Kansas City when I was hit with the urge to write my own thoughts and feelings about food; junk food in particular. It is so hard in this day and age to keep my children and family away from junk food. As one of my friends affectionately calls it, "No No Bad"! It never mattered to me much what was in a lollipop, cookie, brownie, or piece of gum. When it was offered, we all gladly, and excitedly accepted. After hours of research and hours of discussion with knowledgeable friends, Chiropractors, and others I finally decided that we needed a lifestyle change.

Gone are the days when I have a cupboard stocked with Dum Dum lollipops waiting to be handed out as a reward. Gone are the Little Debbie delights that we enjoyed. Gone are a lot of chemicals, additives, food coloring, artificial ingredients and flavorings and many other items that are almost always in prepacked food. We are not 100% perfect at this style of eating. We still struggle with some aspects of it, but for the most part we have changed.

I never used to cringe when friend would offer my children a piece of candy, but now I wish I could help them understand how bad it is for them. I wish I could help them to see what it can do to a child over time. Unfortunately I have found that most people do not want to hear it. Most people haven't had a wake-up call about their dietary habits. I get a lot of crazy looks from people when I decline a treat. Do I have something in my teeth, I wonder? No, I am just one of the many who are trying to make a lifestyle change.

Our society makes that so hard!

I have two children who are currently on a special diet. I spend a lot of time and money to make sure that they stay away from the foods that might cause them harm or cause them discomfort or illness. But how can you say no to those pleading little eyes? When I do say no, in public, it results in a lot of crying, whining and fit throwing. I try to avoid that at all costs.

I hate confrontation or to rock the boat. I think I had better get used to it now, though so that I can stand up for my children.

I can make homemade chocolate chip cookies for a treat and they are thrilled. Then I know what is in them. I can control that. But when they get candy or another treat that does not have those special ingredients to ensure their well-being, they get hyper crazy. They bounce off the walls. They can't concentrate. So, what is it doing to their little bodies? It is wreaking havoc in there. Some people think it is humorous, but I just can't find the humor.

Have you tasted a Little Debbie snack lately? They taste like shortening. Yuck. And I used to eat them all the time. Now, they make me feel sick.

I guess the moral to my story is...we should all be more understanding of each other and the choices we make. We shouldn't judge someone for their choices. We all have to make our own choices. I know I am thinking of a more perfect world, but I can always hope!!

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