Friday, July 16, 2010


The time is finally getting closer! It has taken FOREVER for it to come. But it's almost here! Hallelujah!!! One more week and we are on our way to our new home. Our poor kids are just ... DONE!

Things are falling neatly into place! We are so excited. I can't wait to go to girls night tonight! I need time away. I need to get rejuvenated again. I will miss these awesome friends here.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

One More Week

Only one more week until we pack up the uhaul and head to our new home. There are so many emotions running around in me right now. I want to see EVERYONE before I leave and yet and I don't want to have to say goodbye. I don't enjoy goodbyes. I never have. But this place have become my home. It is the first place I have felt at home since we moved away from Maine. These wonderful people have become my family away from family.

It's almost as bad as when I had to say goodbye to my Mom and Dad the first time. That was gut wrenching ... emotional ... and I didn't enjoy it one bit. It was harder than I ever thought it would be. Now ... I have grown and matured and I deal a lot better with separation than I did then, but it's still so sad.

I'm so thankful for technology and being able to stay in touch. And I know I will make new friends where I am going. It's going to be an awesome adventure!!
The kids are tired of waiting. I'm tired of packing!! LOL! But most of the house is packed. There's not much more for me to do. Meals have become ... interesting. There's just not a lot to make!! Prepared food, which I hate, is so easy right now. Sandwiches, mac and cheese, more sandwiches ... I can't wait to unpack my new kitchen!!!


Saturday, July 10, 2010

A great day!

We all have those days. Those that stand out. Those that put a smile on our faces. Well, yesterday was one of those days for me. It wasn't much, but it makes me smile!

A couple of fun things happened yesterday. Todd was home for lunch and Colin asked him to come outside for a minute. So, he went out and Colin asked him to hold on to his bicycle seat for a second. Colin got on the bike and started pedaling and then yelled to Todd, who apparently was holding on for TOO long, to let go. Todd let go and away Colin went across the bumpy lawn. He did that a few times and then called to me. He wanted me to see what he had accomplished.

He was riding with training wheels just the other day but they broke. I guess he was determined to ride it himself!

So, I went out with my plate of lunch after Todd left and sat on the step. I held onto the seat to steady it and let go as soon as he started pedaling. He would crash into the fence, swing set or trees and turn around and come back for more. Next thing I know, he tells me not to hold on and that he wanted to try to do it himself. It only took a few tries and he was off on his own. Now all he wants to do is go outside to practice riding by himself. He is so proud of himself and so am I. What awesome determination he has! He set his mind to it, and he got it done! Amazing. If only more people had that kind of determination AND confidence in their abilities!!

Alyssa was next to put a smile on my face. She asked to run with the puppy. She had seen us all doing it and wanted to do the same. She held onto the leash and kept repeating, "Come on!" to Canela! Of course Lyssa only says "come", but that's okay. Canela wasn't quite sure what to think and got dragged a couple of times, but it was so stinking cute to see Lyssa walking the dog and TRYING to run.

Last night after we were done with our dinner we were playing with Alyssa and all of us were on the floor rolling a ball around to each other and then the dog joined in chasing the ball. We talked, laughed and just had a good time. It was a good day! Good time spent together! We need more of those moments. A day for smiles!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Boxes, boxes and more boxes. They just keep stacking up. Sorting, organizing, de-cluttering, then more boxes, boxes boxes.

Do you ever feel like it's never ending? No matter how much you go through and sort and throw away, there always seems to be more stuff to go through. I'm getting close to the end and I am so thankful! I have some kitchen stuff to pack, food storage to box up, and clothing, bedding and toys to organize and stuff into yet another box. Aren't boxes the most wonderful invention!!

I am constantly daydreaming about our new house ... where I will put things ... will it all fit ... how I will do things differently ... the new kitchen, floors, appliances, light fixtures, bathrooms ... I am totally excited!!

I think I need to get to bed early tonight. I need some extra sleep.

I am thankful! Thankful for all of Heavenly Father's wonderful blessings in our lives. I am thankful for how everything keeps falling into place. I am thankful for Todd's excitement about his new job. I am thankful for awesome friends whom I will miss dearly. I am thankful that Heavenly Father placed these friends in my path. They have blessed my life immensely. I am thankful for a wonderful family.

I feel blessed.

I am thankful for boxes!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Back from our trip!

We spent the last week with family. Some we hadn't seen in 8 years and others 10. What a fun time it was...minus the close quarters!! We were packed like sardines into a trailer with a total of 22 people. Sleeping was fun! Bodies we all over the place! When Todd's parents and brother came over for meals, there were 30 people. We had a pretty good system and it went fairly smoothly most of the time.

I surely wouldn't want to live like that all the time, but it was fun for a short time.

The only time anyone had issues was when I went to take group pictures. Yikes!! But in the end it all worked out just fine.

While we were there Will, Todd's oldest brother, rescued a puppy that was going to be taken to the pound. I fell in love. And so did my family. Todd as well. That was a shocker to me. We ended up bringing home a 3 month old Chihuahua/Terrier (we think) mixed puppy. She is so sweet! Our cat is 3 times her size!!! That should be interesting. The best part...she's too small to knock us over, too small to jump on counters or tables, and too small to make a huge mess when she poops!! Haha! We are excited!

Now on to the packing!