In the Spring I start dreaming of Summer and all the fun we can have. I dream of sleeping in late. I dream of giggling children running around outside. I dream of a clean house. Then my day dream comes to a screeching halt!!!
I think...that NEVER happens!!!
Here is the reality of Summer in our home...
Sleep in until 8:00 only because the children went to bed between 9pm and 10pm.
The kids are so tired of playing with each other that they fight all the time.
The house is a wreck. Food all over the dining room/kitchen floor. Dishes piled in the sink and on both counters. Wet towels and swimming suits all over the place even though I constantly remind them to hang them. Tattling...oh the tattling.....and even more tattling. might not be that bad all the time, but it is hard for me during the summer. I want desperately to take them to do fun things and the whole time is spent having to remind them to behave.
Plus, yesterday I was reminded how a lack of routine greatly effects children with Autism. Sacrament meeting alone is hard anyway. On the way to church, running about 5 minutes behind but not late, I realized that Todd had told me that a bridge would be out at the exit we always take and that I should take the exit before that one. Well...I forgot. So, here I am at the exit, frustrated. I flew up to the next exit and turned around and headed back to the church. We got there just before the meeting started.
Since the addition of miss Ladybug we have started sitting in one of the middle pews in the back. This way we don't disturb as many people when we get up to take a child out. Plus, I hate to be the center of attention. So, we get there late and there are no seats except one about 3 rows from the front. I groaned inwardly and marched my train of children to the front of the chapel to sit down. They all had a brand new mechanical ("clicky") pencil in hand with their name on it along with a new notebook to color in. I felt pretty prepared. TJ sat quietly coloring. He loves to draw and can draw a really detailed dragon. It's pretty cool. Alex, for a change, was sitting nicely drawing. Since the new remedies we started he is doing better and better. Ladybug had fallen asleep just before we left the house but woke as soon as I tried to put her into her car seat. Now she was wide awake but happy. Max and Colin, on the other hand, were poking...nudging...giggling...talking name it. I tried to quiet them numerous times. The problem is that Colin likes to tease. He will tease and Max doesn't deal well with that. So, I tried to bribe them with the idea of getting a treat when we got home when they sat quietly and colored.
I finally had to remove Max, dragging him from the pew while holding Ladybug, all the way through the chapel and out to the hallway. These are the times I quietly wish someone would come to my rescue. But it isn't their job.
I put Max on a seat in an empty classroom, with the door wide open, in time-out, while I walked in the hall...back and forth in front of the door. Once he was finally calm enough to go back we went in to sit down. Again we walked to the front. Yuck.
After sitting for a few minutes I finally moved Max over next to TJ. Why I didn't do that in the first place is beyond me. About 20 minutes before the meeting ended my little Ladybug started fussing and I had to leave the boys to go to the Mother's Lounge. Luckily, one of our youth, Tyler came to sit with the boys for me.
Max had gotten into a great routine with Church and was sitting well for so long. Then summer came. We don't have as strict a routine at home as they do at school. So, each day it gets worse and worse. The shrieking, hitting, throwing toys, slamming doors...all due to the lack of routine and too much stimulation.
So, after a hard day at church I decided that the TV is staying off...for the most part. I must confess...I use the TV as a crutch. When things get overwhelming at home I sit the kids in front of the TV. That isn't the best thing for me to do...and I realize that, but I got myself into the habit when I was pregnant and now I have to get out of it.
So, I am hoping that through the next few weeks of summer I can help my kids have fun. If the house is going to be a wreck I might as well just leave it and go do something with the sliding down the stairs in sleeping bags! Thanks Becca for that idea! The kids love it!
I am committing myself to do better today. I am going to handle my children better. I am going to leave the TV off. Have the kids do their chores, which I have not enforced because I thought it would be nice if I let them enjoy more summer. I will read my scriptures...say my prayers... and just try to do better. I know I can't do it without the help of the Lord.
I look forward to going to Maine! Less than two weeks now to go!!!
I love your blog! I have absolutelty felt how you've just wrote. I'm so glad you get it! Nice to know there is someone else out there. We definitely need to get together again. It was a blast! Love you guys too.