Saturday, October 1, 2011

General Conference!

I look forward to this time of year with excitement and with the hope that I will learn what the Lord wants me to learn from General Conference. I missed the first part of the first sessions today, but caught the second half. I am always amazed, though I shouldn't be, at how the messages speak directly to my soul, to the things that I need to hear and know. I love listening to Dieter F. Uchtdorf. He always seems to be blessed to say just the right things for me. I am so thankful for a modern day Prophet and Apostles who listen to the promptings of the spirit and teach us those things we need to know. What a marvelous blessing in our lives. Especially as we are surrounded, in this world, by so much that is not good and right.

So, after I ate and sorted my garage sale finds from this morning, I came back to the computer, in hopes that I would be able to listen to the first half of the morning session. Thanks to, I got my wish!

Richard G. Scott spoke and oh what a wonderful message. He talked of the importance of scriptures and the divinity of the Book of Mormon. His message strengthened my testimony so much. My determination to make reading the scriptures a part of my daily life is strengthened. I read now, but sometimes it's very sporadic. I want to do better, be better and understand more.

Of course, listening to the Prophet of the Lord can't compare to anything else. It's wonderful. President Monson is such a great example of a good sense of humor. I love it when he speaks! The announcement of more temples that will be built reconfirms my knowledge of the truthfulness of the gospel. It is rolling forward! And blessing the lives of so many.

I love conference! I invite you to watch it. Go to or to watch the sessions.