Thursday, June 11, 2009


I have been spending a little more time online these last few days trying to search for the perfect cloth diaper. Some of you make think like Todd..."NO, I am NOT changing cloth diapers!" But with the new diapers they are almost like disposables. And they save hundreds of dollars. I am trying to find ones that Todd would be okay with. Wish me luck!!! There are soooo many!

It rained pretty hard last night. I used to be terrified of thunder storms until I had to condition myself to them in Missouri. In Maine I thought thunder storms were loud. HA! The first ones I heard in Missouri...I was terrified! They are so loud, they come fast and there is always a fear of tornadoes. I have learned to sleep through most heavy rains and some thunder too...but when it gets really loud...and the sirens start blaring...there is no sense in staying in bed. Last night was one of those nights. I had put Alyssa down for bed at about 8:30 or 9:00pm and I tiptoed downstairs to use the computer. Lyssa slept for about an hour and a half and then woke up. So, I nursed her back to sleep and came back down to the computer. This happened 2 more times before 11:30 and then the I went to bed. But...not long after going to bed the storm got bad and then the sirens went Lyssy-loo was awake again. She woke again multiple times last night. This morning I am exhausted. Uugh! Lyssa has been sleeping for most of the night lately and waking only once. That has been so nice. I look forward to sleeping for 8 or 9 hours!!!

Oh whoa is me! My allergies, that I hoped would go away after pregnancy, are back again. Sneezing...without stop...nasal congestion...coughing...eyes running. OOOOOH YUCK! I had been doing really well and they weren't bad at all but Spring this year was so mild...I should have known it was coming. So I tried to increase my supplement that helps with allergies and Alyssa couldn't get enough milk. Ooops. It is a good thing it only lasts for the night! Then in the morning my milk was back...phew! So, I am back to using Claritin...but it doesn't completely fix the issues. I need to go get acupuncture done again so I can feel better! I LOVE acupuncture! It is so relaxing! LOL! I am getting so "crunchy"! At least more than I used to be!!!

Lyssy-loo is calling...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Love it!!

I love when I learn new cleaning techniques. I had 5 pieces of baby clothing that had mildew stains on them. I was really sad too because they were really cute and she had only worn them once or twice. They had gotten stuck in with some wet towels and then got mildew on them. So I tried something new. Oxyclean. I had never used it before and was a little skeptical. I put the clothing in a large bowl with the mixture to soak. I let it soak all day and all night and then put it into the washing machine. All but one of them came completely clean! I was shocked and very pleased. I love it when it works! It makes my day! And saves me money I might have spent on new clothing.