Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Crazy Week!

This has been a crazy week already and it's only Wednesday. Lyssa woke up with a yucky runny nose on Monday, so I called and ordered more Silver right away. We were almost out. She has not been sick at all this first year of her life. Amazing. What a contrast between her and the boys. They were always sick. I was always at the doctor's office and they always had an antibiotic. After much change in out lives we are sick less often. You can't prevent it 100% of the time, but you sure can make a huge difference in the health of your family.

So, because she is never sick, she is very fussy. All she wants is Mommy to hold her and carry her and nurse her. I have had so much to get done. You can't get a lot done with a sick child either. It is now Wednesday and I am almost done with what needs to be done for tomorrow night. At least I have tomorrow during the day to wrap things up.

I am craving some quiet time with a good book right now. I think I might get a little of it too! I am also in need of some exercise. I have not done well lately with that at all. I got all out of whack during the summer and it's like pulling teeth to get back into a good routine again. If Lady Bug would sleep better at night I could get up early, but I can barely drag myself out of bed at 6:30am just to get TJ up for school. It's nuts. I know that exercise will help reduce my stress and will give me more energy and yet I just can find the energy to do it. What a vicious cycle. Ugh!

I am going to go upstairs in the quiet living room, sit on my comfy couch, put out my book and escape to a new world for a while!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Good Health

Don't they say that you don't appreciate something until it's gone. Well, I think that sometimes I take for granted that I am in good health. Then on days like Monday I wish and pray with all my might that the pain will somehow go away.

I have had a burning in my upper abdomen, just below my sternum. It is usually accompanied by gas and bloating. It is very painful. Monday I went to bed with a warm rice bag against my tummy. Tuesday I woke up feeling better but not 100%. Later in the afternoon the pain started in again. I wanted to curl up in a ball. But I had to go to the church that night, so I had Todd get me some Pepto Bismal to help ease the pain. After talking to my awesome Chiropractor we determined that it might be an ulcer. He asked me if I was stressed and I just laughed. I have learned that when I think I am not stressed, I usually am. So, he started me on a supplement to help. Wednesday morning I was doing better but by the afternoon I was starting to hurt again. I took a nap and started to feel better. Today, Thursday, I have felt pretty good; Just tired due to not feeling well. I have still been taking the supplement and I am also making sure to eat bland foods. Saltine crackers are my friend. I am hoping that this will heal quickly and I will be able to eat normal foods again. The only kicker is that I need to find a way to relax and not get stressed out!

One way to help my stress is to keep up on my budget. I am doing that this week and it helps me feel better about our finances. Whew! I'm still working on other ways to reduce my stress. I know that I can do it with the Lord's help. That is the only way to get through; with the Lord by my side. I am so thankful for Him and His love for me.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Colin was a brave boy. He loved to pretend. He had blond hair and mischievous blue eyes. Some times he would pretend to be a pirate. Other times he would be an explorer. Today Colin was a scientist. He was looking for bugs, and toads and worms and other things that boys like. Then he saw a big fat toad hiding in the flower bed. Colin’s eyes grew wide. Hurray! A Toad! He reached down and swiftly grabbed the back of the toad. He held it up to admire his catch. A grin spread across his face. He hugged the frog to his chest and said, “ I will call you Toady.” He loved his new toad. He held Toady out in front of him to examine him. Toady had dark circles on his back and he was kind of a gray color on his legs and belly. He played and pretended with Toady and they became great friends. But then Toady slipped out of his hands and hopped quickly away into a muddy drain. Colin was sad. He missed his friend Toady. Each day when Colin would go outside to play he would look for Toady, hoping that he would find him again. Then one day Colin was playing near some mud in the backyard and he spotted Toady. Hurray! Colin quickly gathered Toady up into his arms and hugged him again. At last they could play again. He pretended that Toady was a super hero and he flew him through the air. Then Colin’s Mommy told him that Toady probably didn’t like to play that way. So, Colin just held him while he walked around the back yard.

This is a true story. I find it so cute how kids love to play with animals and reptiles and such, but I always wonder how traumatized the poor things are when the child is done flying then through the air like Superman! I found this on my computer when I was cleaning out today and thought it was a cute story to share! Have a super day!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I am Thankful!

I am so thankful for so many things. I feel so filled with joy at this moment. I am thankful for:

A wonderful Husband
a sweet TJ
a funny Alex
a silly Max
a mischievous Colin
a smiling Alyssa
Awesome parents
Sisters...need I say more?
Family...that about says it all!
Dear Friends far and near
warm fuzzy socks
cozy sweaters and sweat shirts
Christmas music
My Savior
The gospel
a warm home
a comfy, worn out couch
food to eat
good books to read
yummy food

I could go on and on. I feel so blessed right now. There may be stress and craziness in life but sometimes Heavenly Father opens a window and shows you all of your awesome blessings and life isn't so hard for a while. I love it! Have a warm, cozy, comfortable day!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Fall is still in the air. Here and there the leaves are clinging to the branches desperately. The rain falls in an attempt to force the stubborn ones from their branches way up high. Yet some still remain, giving off their glorious colors for all to see. Some gave up long ago and drifted lazily to the ground to mingle with the rest. The winds blow them about, to and fro. Colors in the sky, colors on the ground. Bare limbs stand out against the still green grass. The earth seems to be beckoning winter in. But winter is waiting. Holding on. It's not time yet. It wants to give us time to really appreciate the glory of the colors that surround us this fall.

Take a deep breath. Breathe in the fresh crisp air and take in the beauty around you. Then have a fabulous day!