Saturday, January 17, 2009

Oh, my brain is fried! I have been sitting here playing with the new blog! I have a tiny little bundle curled up all snugly on my chest breathing softly. My arm is tingling because is has fallen fast asleep trying to hold her up while I type. I have new pictures that I am going to attempt to upload to the blog so everyone can see our little cutie.
Todd is a little jealous. He was the one to get the first laugh from each of the boys. I was the one to get the first laugh out of Alyssa! I think he is pretty lucky to have 4 out of 5.
I feel so immensely blessed. Some days I just can't put it into words how awesome it feels to have this beautiful new baby to hold.


  1. Thanks for the invite to view your blog! Your baby is darling! I can't believe how HUGE your family is now. Everyone is growing up so fast! We miss you!

  2. Oh, what a wonderful idea!!!! And I just figured out how to comment. I miss all those little faces on a daily basis. Well, I also miss the big faces, but you know what a Gramma is like!!!
    Love you all!!!!
