Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How fast can your thoughts go?

Crazy Day! My mind feels like it is going a hundred miles a minute. And for what? Nothing really. I worked out this morning, showered, ate and then have been on the phone quite a bit. The boys are happy because I am kind of out of it today and they are playing a little extra time on video games. Yuck. Tonight is our first weigh-in for the pound plunge. I hope I have lost something! We shall see! I think I needed a little more sleep last night. The van kept beeping, from the garage, last night and we couldn't figure out what was going on. It sounded like someone was locking the van doors, but my keys were in my purse. It kept happening and I got a little uneasy so I didn't sleep well. And of course we were safe, but you know what crazy things your mind can do when you are tired!! I hope the rest of my day goes a little better and I feel less crazy!


  1. How did the rest of your day go? It's awful when you can't sleep, & even worse if it's something unnerving that causes it.
    Hey, how did you do on the weight loss...as I watch The Biggest Loser on tv right now. I lost 1.8 this week, & I didn't think I was losing anything. That feels good, & gives me some courage to keep going. If I can do that each week, I will be where I want to be.
    Hey, have a great night tonight!!!

  2. Hi Sweetie~
    I remember a comedian on the Tonight show with Johnnie Carson. David Brenner, I believe. He was talking about driving and getting the 'weird' feeling. He saw a sign that said "Beware of ROLLING FOG'. He ducked down and his eyes were all over the place as if the 'rolling fog' was coming after him. I was tired too and that joke hit me so much that I could not stop laughing. I still laugh when I think of him and how he looked telling the joke.
    Take care kiddo. Try to get some sleep.
    Love ya, nother mother.
