Thursday, May 14, 2009

My personality type!

I learned some things about myself last night. I took a personality test, the MyersBriggs, at a church Enrichment group night. It was fun. I learned that I am an introvert. Does that sound right to you? At first the results really disturbed me but my good friend Cheryl helped me understand it more clearly. Thanks Cheryl!

A ha! I realized that where I am comfortable I will talk, but where I am not comfortable I am silent.

I get picked on a lot. All my life I have been an "easy target", as some would say. I strongly dislike it. After many years of it I finally have learned how to stand my ground. Sometimes not so nicely!

It is very hard for me to talk to people I do not know. I don’t like large group settings. I don’t like to be the center of attention in group settings either. If I am going to be in a large setting I want to take someone with me. I then feel comfortable. If no one is available to come with me, I just don’t go. Or I am uncomfortable and nervous while there.

I realized why I talk so much to those I am the closest to. I am comfortable with them. I don’t talk otherwise. How weird! I am a situational extrovert. Fascinating!

This is just so interesting to me. I want to know more!

Todd is an extrovert. He very easily engages people in conversation and I stress about it. I hide my stress, but then I sweat! No joke! When I go to the Doctor’s office, which is rare, I sweat the entire time. I do not like talking to people I don’t know. Most of the time I feel like they don’t quite understand me; or they think that I’m a little strange. When I know a person and know that they love me for who I am, I am much more comfortable. I have a really hard time being wrong. I get very embarrassed if I am wrong. I used to hate being called on to talk in class when I was in school. Even though I am a smart person and did well in school I hated the pressure.

I am doing a lot of reflecting today. Love it! Yup...that is introverted! What a nut I am! I am starting to really think about my personality. What makes me who I am. We shall see where that takes me!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats my friend. I too had a wonderful evening learning about myself and my fellow sisters. Glad I could help. Love you tons!!
