Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fresh Cut Grass


Fresh Cut Grass...

Is there anything so marvelous? It's a smell that brings back memories of summers in Maine...
...my Dad showing me how to mow the lawn, which I thought was quite a privilege
...he would mow the outline of a square and I would mow the rest
...it's what made me love mowing the lawn...something special I did with my dad
...someone else take the kids and I'll go outside and breathe the fresh air and the sweet scent of freshly cut grass.
...add to that the smell of lilacs and my nose will be in heaven!

It's been crazy weather here in the Mid-West this year. On Sunday we had weather in the 80's and I had to turn on the air conditioner. That night we were assaulted by a thunderstorm...in some places it produced tennis ball sized hail...but here it was fairly mild. The rain brought cooler weather on its heels.

By Monday morning the thermometer read 40 degrees. The temperature didn't increase much that day and the wind was cold and biting. Winter jackets should have been worn that day.

Tuesday morning the house was frigid because we forgot to put the heat back on. I rushed over and switched the heat on and turned the temperature up a bit, then wrapped my self up in a warm sweatshirt and donned my fuzzy socks.

When TJ left for school the temperature was about 33 degrees. Winter coats were found before heading out to school. By lunch time it was 60 degrees outside, but we still needed sweat shirts to combat the wind whipping around us.

Today is a perfect day to trim the new Spring grass. Since buying our new home we planted winter wheat along with grass seed to help the grass grow better. There are thick dark patches where the wheat grew well, reaching well passed Miss Lyssa's knees. Mowing those patches proved to be a little more difficult as they seemed to choke the mower is it tried to cut it down. Several times it succeeded in making the mower stall, creating frustration for Mr. Mower.

Mr. Max and Excited Colin run after the mower, following where it had been. They want to be just like Mr. Mower some day.

The lawn is now short and attractive and the scent of sweet grass mixed with a little bit of gasoline fills the air. What a happy smell! Spring just might be here!


  1. Beautiful imagery, Kara! I could almost smell the grass with a touch of gasoline. I love that smell!

  2. I was just looking at our grass, realizing that I'm probably going to have to mow it. There is so much to be done that I don't think I can feel this way about the grass just yet, but I have before! A very imaginative post!

  3. Thank you ladies! I hope you get to enjoy the sweet smells of Spring soon!!
