Friday, April 8, 2011


I just watched a video on Facebook about a teenage girl with Autism. I was touched. I used about 1/4 of a box of tissues. I tried to post it on the blog, but I can't figure out how to do it correctly. If you are my friend on Facebook, go check my profile for the video clip.

Autism effects many people in many ways. In our home we have quite a soft spot for children/people with Autism. We live with Autism on a daily basis. There are moments when it is extremely difficult and other moments when we forget it's even there.

There are times when there is a lot of screaming and times when we have to search for Mr. Max to find out where he's hiding.
There's some hand flapping, toy twirling, silly noise making...
Sometimes there's pushing, kicking, hitting...

Always, there is a sweet little boy, with a sweet spirit inside of him that's just trying to communicate and connect. We are not always very good at handling situations that arise, but we have gotten better and better as he has gotten older.

I'm thankful that Mr. Max has a very high functioning form of Autism. Communication does happen. He does interact with others. If we hadn't put him on a gluten free/casein free diet, I'm not so sure he would have improved as much as he has. What a blessing!


  1. Thanks for visiting my mother's blog. I love Old Navy clearance. It has me trained well. I won't pay more the $5 for jeans for me now. Last year we got stylish new school clothes for both my middle school sisters for less then $30. And that was 10 outfits each! The only disadvantage is the girl's shirts are so thin. Atleast you can get them for a $1 regularly.

    I'd love to see the video you have on facebook. You can like "Twelve Makes a Dozen" on facebook and I will be able to view it.


  2. Kira,
    I am happy to "like" you on facebook! It's a really awesome video! Thanks for commenting


  3. You're just the right mom for Max! All of your research and time and love and work are readily apparent in your smiling, happy boy.
