Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fall is Here!

The leaves are turning colors. Here and there you can see it. The air is cool and crisp. It makes me sigh a big sigh; a sigh of happiness.

Life is busier that it used to be. TJ is in middle school and scouts. Alex is in 5th grade and has decided he loves playing flag football. I glad it's temporary because the games are on Monday nights and I would prefer to have our Family Home evening on Monday nights. Now we are doing them on Sunday evenings.

This week we found the time in our crazy schedules to play a family game of UNO. It was fun. I sat back and watched and savored the moments while the kids were giggling and Daddy was being silly. He has been so busy trying to finish up his final class for his degree and getting everything straightened out at work that there hasn't been any time to just be together. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Soon the class will be over and he will have completed his degree! He is so excited.

It's this time of year when I think most about Maine and family. I love Maine in the fall. It's the most beautiful place on earth. Plus, family is there. That makes Maine even more special. Some day I'll be able to go visit when the leaves are bight yellow, red and orange. That's my wish.

This time of year always makes me think of my blessings:

A loving Father in Heaven
A Savior who loves us and died for us
a beautiful family
a fantastic husband
family far away
a wonderful home
vehicles that run
cute little puppy
the best friends in the world
the laughter of children
clothing, so much that it makes huge piles when it's dirty
toys, so many they seem to be everywhere
new friends

And so much more! These are in no particular order, just how I thought of them. Have a happy fall day!


  1. I took Ethel on a drive to see the leaves. She asked why they all turned colors. I told her that God painted them that way. This answer worked for her. I second all of your thankfuls, except I am thankful for cats, not puppies. It looks like you are finding much joy in your life. You are an amazing woman!!
    Hugs and all.

  2. Hooray for Todd! I know it's been a long time coming to get his degree. I'm so happy for all of you! And Autumn is pretty, even though I dislike the colder weather. I've been enjoying the indian summer we've been having!

  3. I love this time of year too!!!!
