Tuesday, June 15, 2010


It seems the only time I think of something I want to blog about is when I'm busy getting other things done. I had gotten comfortable in my life here in St. Joe. I have good friends. I am familiar with the area. I can find my way around fairly well. I'd say I'm pretty happy.

Selling and buying houses at the same time can be such a pain. It has gone very well for us, thank goodness. There's a lot of paperwork and a lot of stress....worrying about whether or not the loan for the new house is going to get finished in time. I really don't relish the idea of being temporarily homeless. Sure, we have family and friends who could and probably would help us out if that happened, but it's not something I want to do.

I packed most of the house so we could show the house to perspective buyers. The house was clean and perfect all the time. Once the house sold, I didn't have to keep it perfect and it's not.

I hit the summer slump last week. I have never liked summer vacation. It's hard. I spend the whole time frustrated because the house is mess. I stay up too late trying to find a moment of kid-free time to myself to recooperate. I wake up too early to get kids onto the summer school bus. I'm so busy I can't find the time to exercise. And the cycle begins! So, Monday I got up with determination to exercise. And I did. Thank goodness because I needed the energy. Today I did the same and it turned out really good considering I spend most of my mid morning doing the budget. It's done. It looks good. I'm happy.

I have learned something about myself...a severe lack of sleep + a lack of exercising = a grouchy Mommy! Why do I allow myself to get into this summer rut each year? I know it's coming and yet I do it every time. I am determined to change this so that I can be in charge of my mood instead of my Sleep deprived, non-energetic self.

I am also happier when I make time to spend with other women. Why do I put off taking the opportunity to spend time with my friends? Good question! I get so wrapped up in what needs to get done that I neglect the part of myself that needs to get away. That has to stop!

I went to Kansas City yesterday to see Dana and the kids. We chatted and the kids played. We women need that time with other women. All women...young and old....single and married. We need to make time to spend with other women.

So, life is crazy right now...packing, cleaning, laundry, packing some more, papers to sign, emails to reply to, repairs to do, more packing, Scout camp, taking care of the family...etc., etc., etc. It will calm down again someday, but for now, it's just crazy. The countdown has begun and we inch closer and closer to closing day. We have 5 1/2 weeks until we load up the u-haul. Our last night here we'll camp out on the floor. The next morning we'll close on this house and then drive three hours to Jefferson City to close on the new house. It's exciting and scary all rolled into one. But for now...this is life. Crazy and all!

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