Thursday, June 17, 2010


I just received a bunch of emails from the local Autism support group. There are a few moms who are looking for doctors who will administer the MMR vaccine in separate shots. In some of the replies, of course, there are articles attached talking about how safe the vaccines are. I wanted to share my opinion with these Moms but realized that I have really strong opinions on this subject and do not want to offend any of them. So, I decided to blog about it! Here are my thoughts:

I think whether immunizations are safe is up to interpretation. They are safe for many people, but not everything is safe for every person. People are allergic to medications that others can take with no problems at all. My son has an intolerance to wheat, gluten, dairy, and casein. I can tolerate them just fine, but he will become sick.

Many doctors say that the immunizations do not cause Autism, but there is also a lot of evidence that suggests that it might be a trigger that causes the symptoms to come out. From what I understand, those who have Autism are genetically predisposed for it. That means that anything can trigger it. For my son, it was falling 7 feet and hitting his head. For some of my friends, it was the immunizations. I have one such friend who's son started having seizures the day he got his first MMR shot. Coincidence...I think not.

I have been blessed with a fabulous MD who fully supports not vaccinating my children. I have one with Autism and one with ADHD and even he feels that it wouldn't be safe for them. He highly recommended that I do not get them immunized until later in life.

The way my doctor explained it was that the dose in the shot is even more than what a normal adult would need. That's a huge amount for a tiny body. They give these to a cocktail of 2-4 different ones. No wonder our children end up with fevers and such afterwards. Now, I know some children don't have any problem at all. But that doesn't mean that others won't have problems.

Anyway, I'm just glad to know that we can opt out if we feel that it's right for our family. It's a hard decision, but I can say that out of my five children the healthiest one is the last, the one I didn't immunize at all. Lyssa has not had one immunization. She has only visited the doctor once in her 20 months. She has had a slight cold twice, but was never as sick as the boys always got at this age. It's amazing how sick Max was at a year and 2 years old. He was constantly sick and constantly had ear infections. It was horrible. We went through several different kinds of antibiotics for him in a year's time. They wanted to put tubes in, but I didn't feel it was right. I'm so glad I listened to the Spirit.

I wish I understood back then that I had many more options! Now I know.

Now they are giving the option to give the MMRV. It includes Measles, Mumps, Rubella and now the LIVE Chicken pox virus. I instantly get shivers down my spine. It isn't right for me and my family. I do know many who have prayed and know that their children need the vaccines and I support them whole heartedly. We can never make another person's decisions and we can NEVER know what will be right for another individual. It just isn't our place. I'm glad I only have to make the decisions for my family.

May the Spirit guide us in all our decisions.


  1. Well said! I believe in immunizations, but I believe that we must be aware of our individual families' needs and pay attention to the whisperings of the spirit. I stopped immunizations for my Alyssa when she reacted badly to her 2 month set, and I haven't taken Heidi in at all . . . yet. Someday I will, but I think deep in my heart that their bodies need to get bigger and stronger. I'm so thankful for how immunizations have wiped out some of the diseases that killed so many children in the past, but we do have to be aware of the repercussions.

  2. Amen, amen, amen! I feel exactly the same way Kara! Wyatt had his immunizations up to 18 months and probably had a slight speech delay at that point. But gradually over the next few weeks he lost what little speech he had. At 20 months he wasn't talking anymore at all. I can't say for sure it was the immunizations, maybe it wasn't, maybe it was. BUT, he has not had a single immunization from that point on and won't probably ever.

    I think it is so unfortunate when the government comes out with studies that say immunizations are totally safe, I always think, "there is sooooo much we don't know about Autism yet, how could they even begin to make a statement like that!" There was also a study that came out (maybe you saw it) about 3 weeks ago that said there was no link between Autism and gluten/casein intolerance. I read the study, I was curious. Do you know how many children with Autism they looked at in the study....14!!!!!!!!!! How can make a conclusion like that based on the results of 14 kids. Plus they only had them on the diet for 4 week, at least for Wyatt it took 4 weeks before we saw any improvement.

    Sorry, I'm venting hear, I'm long-winded! :)
    I'm glad your blog is public now, I always have trouble logging into private blogs for some reason. I'm slightly technologically challenged. Congrats on the new job and the move! Excited for you!

  3. I couldn't agree more. You took my thoughts and made them come to life! I hope you find another doctor as good as ours here
    By the way, the blog looks awesome!
