Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dear Friends

A dear friend's blog post really made me think. I spend far too much time in my house, cleaning and cooking or taking care of children or reading or whatever. When do I get out and spend time with my dear friends? I have been blessed with many friends at Church. They are my family away from family. Lately I feel like I have lost touch with a lot of them. I stay at home far too much....too busy to do anything else. There is always something that just can't wait until later....but couldn't it?

We don't know each other as well as we should. I think about the beginning of the Church and how the sisters did everything together. They gardened together, they taught each other, they sewed together, they raised children together...They relied on one another far more than we do now. But I think they knew something that sometimes we forget. We need each other. We need to spend time with one another. Every time I allow myself to get out and enjoy the company of other good women I come home feeling better....lifted burdens lighter.

The Savior can't be here, in person, to listen but he can send a dear friend in His place with a listening ear. He can't help take care of our children, but can create a wonderful friend with whom you feel safe leaving your children. He usually lifts our hearts by sending us a treasured friend.

Are we taking the time to sincerely get to know others? To create lasting friendships? Do we ask questions in conversation just for conversations sake or do we truly care? I try to care. I want to know what is going on in the lives of others so that I might be able to be of help in some way. If I can bring comfort I want to be able to. And then when I need it, they will be there for me. But if I don't get to know these women they won't feel comfortable sharing their lives with me. If we don't ask questions sincerely and get to know others, then we will never be able to reach out when someone needs answer to a prayer, whether spoken or just felt.

I truly believe that we can be an answer to someone's prayer.


  1. It's something I'm trying so hard to work on--and President Monson has been gently asking us to do it. He always reminds us about spending personal time with people--perhaps the perfect example for us in these days of computer convenience.

    I'm sure grateful for you as my friend!

  2. Thanks so much for your post. I, too need to work on this! Often times, we need those little reminders about friendships. Thanks Kara!

  3. You are so wise!!! I want to print this off & give it to Sue, & send it to Michelle. We do need to know one another in order to be there for each other. I once heard, in the church, that we need to have a lot of our needs met by our sisters in the gospel. I certainly believe that. I have had just a handfull of them in mine, & feel so blessed to have had them.
    You are one of them, & not all mother-daughter relationships are that good. I am so happy to have that with you & your sisters!!! What a blessing!!!

  4. I do think that is important. I just clung to my old friends out of habit and have had no friends in close proximity for 1 1/2 years. I do enjoy the women in church, but a friend is someone you talk to on the days that don't involve church. Someone who knows what is going on in your lives at home. I also enjoy getting out and spending time with all of you. Pretty soon I'll be able to invite you over! (If it was soon, we'd have a mud/tape/paint party!?)
    You're a really great person to call a friend. You are very much valued in my book!

  5. Amen! You are so awesome. I love reading your blog becaues you are so postive and always try to do better. Thanks for being such an example to me!
