Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday Morning

Today is the start of the second full week of the school year. Last week was crazy and busy and the routine I had created last year has become discombobulated and unusable. Having two children in middle school has created much less sleep for me! Sleep...will I ever get any again...maybe some day.

TJ seems to enjoy middle school. His friends that he made last year didn't end up in most of his classes and he's a little bummed. But I found that he is beginning to create new friendships already. I'm so thankful for that!

Alex went to school the first day of 6th grade and was nervous. The second day he came home and told me that middle school is going to be a piece of cake! I laughed! That's fantastic! What a great attitude to adopt after only two days. He is already making friends and connecting with old friends and he seems to be enjoying his school work. I'm hoping and praying that will continue.

So, with two in middle school, I must wake up at 6am, roll out of bed, stretch and carefully make my way down stairs to pull Alex from his deep slumber. He is not the kind of kid who wakes up easily and is not the type who can be left to get ready on his own. I stand in his room and gently call to him and coax him out of his warm bed, watch him climb down from the top bunk, and groggily find clothing to take to the bathroom. I remind him that he only needs 5 minutes in the shower and that he needs to be quick because there are two more people who need showers after he's done.

I climb, legs aching and tired, back up the stairs, now breathing heavily thanks to the sweet little Cassie who is 27 weeks gestation. I make my way to the kitchen, trying not to drag my feet as I walk, my legs still haven't recovered from the morning climb.

The counters in the kitchen are almost never clean in the morning. Go figure. I wash them down and begin making 5 lunches, all in a row. Each child likes his lunch a certain way, with certain items in it. Todd is no different. He feels a sandwich is not complete if it doesn't have chips to munch on along with it.

I hear Alex turn on the shower and note the time. In a few minutes I'll be descending the stairs again to tell him his time is up and he needs to finish.

TJ is quietly eating his breakfast at the table while I continue making lunches....slices of cucumber in this lunch...crunchy carrots in this one...two cookies for each lunch...Oh! Don't cut Todd sandwich in half...he's not a apple in this lunch...peanut butter and jelly for Max, ham and cheese for Todd...and TJ...and Colin...I hope they eat it all today. Hmmm...what have I forgotten? Oh yes...Max needs an enzyme in his lunch. I blink my eyes, take a drink of cool water and try to clear my still sleepy head. Deep breath. I can stay awake for this...I know I can. I better get out Alex's medicine and vitamins so he can take them quickly.

Alex comes upstairs...takes his meds and vitamins and gets his breakfast ready. Today Alex is focused and is able to make good choices and get ready quickly. Thank goodness. Some days I spend most of my morning reminding him to stop talking so he can eat and get ready on time. Today was much more calm. A blessing.

Alyssa wakes up and I pick her up, sit in the kitchen chair, and hold her while smoothing her blond curls away from her face. She is calm now. I can put her down and continue.

TJ is done with his shower and is ready to help with chores. He feeds the lizard...oh I hope someone will want to take her home with them soon.

I pack the lunches in the lunch boxes and stuff them into the back packs....I don't want them to forget their lunch today. I remind the kids to put on deodorant, brush their teeth, put on their socks and shoes...go tell Dad it's time for morning you have everything?...Goodbyes and I love you's and they head out the door. Now it's time to get Max and Colin finished. Deep breath. I'm so tired. How do other moms do this? Give myself a pep talk...I can do this.

Get the kids sitting down to eat breakfast...get dressed...brush teeth...feed the dog...get shoes and socks. Todd says his goodbyes and I love yous...kisses and hugs and Alyssa gives him "berzerts" to send him on his way. Now it's time for me to get dressed and ready to take the kids to school. Alyssa's dressed...curly hair going in all different directions...flip flops are on her is in the's time to get into the car. We drive the short distance to the school, pull in front of the building, park and let the boys out. More goodbyes and I love yous. Colin races to the door. Max takes his time. I watch to make sure they both make it inside and I drive home. A sigh of relief...that part of the day is done. Now on with the rest of my day. Maybe I'll find some energy somewhere...Once Cassie is born!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I'm not usually the one in our family who craves or even desires fast food. Once in a while, it's okay, but definitely not on a regular basis. Every morning as I drive my two youngest boys to school I pass by our local McDonald's. In this small town there's not a lot to pass...don't blink...ya might miss the town!

This morning the temperature was a nice comfy 75 degrees. I rolled down my windows and turned Taylor Swift up as loud as I dared...someone we pass by might not enjoy Taylor as much as I do! So, when we passed by McDonald's my nose was assaulted with the smells of breakfast. I forced my foot to stay on the gas pedal and drove on by. I don't NEED fast food. No one does, for that matter. Then a wondrous thought came to me...I could make my OWN yummy hash browns!

Once I got Lady Bug settled into my bed, with a cup of milk, to watch a show, I went to work. I peeled and grated 4 potatoes and set them aside. Then I went to work make my Mother-in-law's Buttermilk Biscuit recipe. I love love love simple and easy. And this recipe is just that! While I waited for the oven to heat up I began my search online to find the trick for making good hash browns. Here's what I found...the more moisture you can get out of the potatoes, the crispier they will be.

(Lady Bug came running in to the kitchen to see what the yummy smells were. She spotted the biscuits right away and said, "Oh! Biscuits!")

For the hash browns...first I tried pressing them between paper towels, but that didn't seem to work as well as I had hoped. Next I got out a small colander, placed it on top of a bowl and pressed the grated potatoes into it. This worked like a charm!

At first I had too much oil in my pan. I poured some out, heated it up and proceeded to experiment with the hash browns. Here are some things to remember: don't make them too thin on the edges, as they will burn there...make sure you only have a tablespoon or two of oil or butter in the pan for each one, and drain them on paper towels. There...I think I got it all. Pretty simple really.

Next I decided I needed some eggs. I prefer my eggs to be cooked over medium. Yes...for those who don't know me...I'm a wee bit anal. I like the yoke runny and the whites COMPLETELY cooked. I can't stand runny whites. Makes me feel icky. Anyway...I cooked my eggs and then thought ...this meal isn't complete.

I'm the type of person who likes vegetables any time of the day. No meal is complete, in my opinion, without either a fresh fruit or veggie. So, today, I finished this meal off with a cucumber, strait from my Dad's and Sister's garden all the way from Maine. (It's my last one...sniff...sniff) Now, some people would say, "You can't eat cucumber with that! It's just doesn't go together!" Well...I say there ARE no rules with cooking. You can eat what you like and what sounds good together...any time you want to! So there!! :) For those of you who believe veggies don't go with breakfast...break out the fruit. Again... I say there are no rules with cooking! Then again...I don't like to do what I'm told!

I'm no Rachel Ray...for that I am certain. But I like food...good tasting food! Who doesn't?? :)

Today I'm starting out my day with crunchy, crispy hash browns, tasty fried eggs, mouth watering biscuits and crunchy delicious cucumbers! Where did the energy come from? I have no idea. What I do know is that I can't eat like this very often or Todd will have to roll me into the delivery room in November!

Monday, August 1, 2011

My first garden

I've begun a new adventure this year...gardening. I know, I know, we've been counseled to have a garden for years and years by our church, but I was scared. I had helped my parents with a garden as a kid, but I didn't remember how to go about doing a lot of it. I was intimidated by the unknown.

I finally have a home that has enough space to have a garden. Not only that, but there are no bunnies running around to eat it up on me. So with the encouragement of a friend I started purchasing plants. I bought tomatoes...way more than we really peppers, eggplant, okra, cucumbers, squash and a few spices. I would love to have more, but didn't want to spend the money and then have the garden fail. I took it slowly. Another good friend offered her rich dark soil from her father's farm and very generously filled her truck and trailer and drove it to my house.

Todd has said from the beginning that he didn't want to have anything to do with the garden. His chore, when he was little, was to weed. No wonder he hated gardening! The joy is not found in the weeding. The joy is found when you cultivate the ground, add the plants/seeds, and watch your hard work become a beautiful garden full of delicious food. So, when I begged him to help me dig out the awful top soil, he agreed reluctantly. I tried so hard to dig it myself, but pregnancy does something to your muscles!! I get so tired out so quickly. It took a couple of evenings, but it was finally done and then we had the kids pick out all the crushed rock...for a wage. Counting the rocks was the most fun part for them. One penny per rock adds up quite quickly!

We piled the rich dark soil on top of the garden spot and then I began to plant. I have learned a lot since planting this garden. I have learned that if your garden slopes in a certain direction that you shouldn't put cucumber plants at the bottom of the slope. The water runs down hill and they get over watered. I lost all but one cucumber plant. BUT, the good news is that the one that survived is gorgeous and producing! I also decided that next year I will build up the lower end of the garden to make it level.

I never thought I could enjoy this as much as I have. Even the weeding has been enjoyable. It's quiet time to ponder and to think. It's also time that I spend talking to Father in Heaven and asking Him to bless my little garden as I am striving to do what I've been asked to do by modern day prophets.

Another good friend suggested taking old panty hose and cutting them into rings about 1/2 inch thick. Then you cut that open and use the "string" to tie up your plants. It's free and it works marvelously.

My plants are all growing huge and glorious! I thank Heavenly Father for blessing my little garden. The okra grows faster than the weeds...which is quite funny. It has huge leaves and beautiful blossoms. This past weekend I picked 5 okra! The eggplants are amazing. Their purple blossoms are pretty. I am pleasantly surprised at how quickly they grow as well. This weekend I picked 6 eggplant. We had Eggplant Parmesan for dinner on Saturday!! Delish!

Last night I was craving more eggplant but didn't want it fried, so I spent a few minutes researching how to prepare eggplant, online. This morning I baked a couple of eggplant peeled and sliced about 1/2 inch thick. I brushed them with some EVOO, sprinkled on some salt and pepper and placed a sprig of fresh thyme from my garden on each one. I baked it at 375 degrees for about 25 minutes and then broiled it for a couple minutes on each side. I then served it with eggs over medium and a couple of slices of toast. I ate both eggplants all by my self! They were so yummy!!!

I can't even believe the joy it brings to walk the short distance to my little garden and pick the fresh vegetables that are there. I never imagined I would feel this way about gardening! I'm SOLD!

The kids really enjoyed the first cucumber I picked! They were so excited and couldn't wait to taste it. tastes like a cucumber! :) Max ate most of it, but we all got to taste its sweet crispy yumminess. I can't wait for the rest to grow!

The best part is that because I chose mostly vegetables that Todd likes too, he is able to enjoy the garden right along with us. He still won't go pull weeds, but he sees the blessings of the fruits of our labor!! And he likes how they taste too!!