Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dear Friends

A dear friend's blog post really made me think. I spend far too much time in my house, cleaning and cooking or taking care of children or reading or whatever. When do I get out and spend time with my dear friends? I have been blessed with many friends at Church. They are my family away from family. Lately I feel like I have lost touch with a lot of them. I stay at home far too much....too busy to do anything else. There is always something that just can't wait until later....but couldn't it?

We don't know each other as well as we should. I think about the beginning of the Church and how the sisters did everything together. They gardened together, they taught each other, they sewed together, they raised children together...They relied on one another far more than we do now. But I think they knew something that sometimes we forget. We need each other. We need to spend time with one another. Every time I allow myself to get out and enjoy the company of other good women I come home feeling better....lifted burdens lighter.

The Savior can't be here, in person, to listen but he can send a dear friend in His place with a listening ear. He can't help take care of our children, but can create a wonderful friend with whom you feel safe leaving your children. He usually lifts our hearts by sending us a treasured friend.

Are we taking the time to sincerely get to know others? To create lasting friendships? Do we ask questions in conversation just for conversations sake or do we truly care? I try to care. I want to know what is going on in the lives of others so that I might be able to be of help in some way. If I can bring comfort I want to be able to. And then when I need it, they will be there for me. But if I don't get to know these women they won't feel comfortable sharing their lives with me. If we don't ask questions sincerely and get to know others, then we will never be able to reach out when someone needs answer to a prayer, whether spoken or just felt.

I truly believe that we can be an answer to someone's prayer.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Let's start fresh

It's a new day, new week and I am ready! I am going to do better today listening to my children. I am going to get more laundry folded and put away. I am going to say kind things to my family and think before I speak.

I am not always very patient with my family. I wish I were more so, but I'm not. Having OCD can be very difficult at times, because I expect too much from others. My expectations have decreased dramatically since having children though. I just know that there are not enough hours in a day to complete everything that I want to have complete. My house can not be perfect all the time. And right rarely is perfect! Having five kids just does that to a person! I have to not worry about it!

I have done a lot of looking withing myself this last week. Pondering. Trying to figure out how to improve our home. What I realized, silly me, is that it all starts with me. They all take cues from Mom. Even Dad takes cues from Mom. If I am tired and grouchy, guess what...they are grouchy. If I am relaxed and just chillin' out...they are too. For the most part anyway.

So, after a rough morning getting the kids ready for school, I decided that it is all mental and I NEED to change the way I look at things. I need to be more positive, more patient. I need to look for the happiness around me. I need to point out all the good things my kids do and say. So, I am going to begin today. I am going to do better. Be a better person and try to teach my kids to be better people too. goes....

Friday, March 5, 2010

Tender Mercies

Okay, so we all can find our Tender Mercies if we look. Yesterday after having a migraine all day and taking care of a very fussy little lady, I handed her to Todd and headed to the hall bathroom to get something accomplished. I started patching up the holes in the walls and sprayed the ugly border down with some vinegar. I thought, maybe this border will come off...I'll at least try. So, I was sanding, and mudding and spraying up a storm. And then the borders peeled off rather quickly. Not only that, but once I got them removed I was able to scrape the glue of the wall too. YES! The wall is all smooth! Hooray! My spirits lifted and I finished the job and went to make supper.

It's amazing how just that once small thing can make you feel so much better. Once of the Lord's Tender Mercies. I don't think I could have taken anymore frustration yesterday and He knew it. For that I am thankful!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The gift of sight

I am thankful today for the gift of sight. We went to pick up Max's new glasses tonight and on the way home the sunset was beautiful. Scattered clouds, some in wisps, some in clumps. Blues, pinks, oranges and purples. Golden glows across the tree tops. What a pretty sight! I am grateful to my Father in Heaven for blessing me with these tiny gifts that bring joy. Just being able to get out of the house after sitting with a sick baby for two days was a blessing...and then I got to see this wonderful sight and share it with two of my boys.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Snuggle time

Oh the sweet, sweet joy of holding a baby. I just love when my little ones climb onto my lap and lay their heads on my shoulder and snuggle in. It is healing, it is uplifting, it makes me happy. They get all warm and cozy and your spirit speaks to theirs as you snuggle in close.

I wish the snuggles came more often than they do. I will take them when they come, and soak them up while I can! My babies have not been big snugglers, so it is truly a gift when they choose to find comfort in just being in my arms.

Today my little Ladybug is sick. She is snuggling and warm. She has red, rosy cheeks from laying on me. It makes me sad to see my babies feel sick, but I haven't minded that she just wants me to sit and hold her. So, HGTV here I come! I got to hold and snuggle my sweet little girl while I indulged on one of my secret addictions! Okay, it's not so secret, but it truly would be an addiction if I allowed it to be. I love to watch all of the redesign ideas. It makes my gears turn round and round!!

So, even though the reason Lyssa is snuggling is due to feeling quite yucky, I still have enjoyed the blissful moments of snuggle time when our spirits have bonded. It truly is a gift. Have you had your snuggle time lately?