Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Can't find the phone!

Yesterday was crazy. The morning was fine and then once I left to take Colin to preschool I never stopped. So, while we were having a little meeting about decor for the upcoming Relief Society birthday party little Nesto was playing with my home phone and it got misplaced. Funny was on. So, you can't call it, or page it. After everyone left we did some searching. I took apart the couch a couple of times, looked under it, took apart the chairs and looked under them. Then I looked through my cabinets, dishwasher, closets, and under beds. You name it. I think I looked there too. I even put on rubber gloves and dug through a bag full of trash. Not there either. This is like playing "Where's Waldo"! Only, he is no where to be found. So, The second handset was useless last night because you can't use the two handsets at the same time. I waited until this morning and the second handset now works, which means the battery finally died on the one that is lost. I spent a while today looking. My friends checked all their bags. I looked in the dishwasher, inside pots and pans, in the fridge, behind the piano, in the piano bench, and in yet another trash can. At least I can use the second hand set!!!

So, someday the phone will show up and we will laugh because we didn't think of the correct spot to look in. Until then...

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