Some of the things you NEVER hear about being a stay-at-home mom would make some turn quickly on their heels and run away screaming in hysterics. I think it's one of life's best kept secrets. Being a stay-at-home mom is one of the most rewarding jobs that exists. AND at the same time the HARDEST, most challenging career any woman could choose to pursue. The blessings greatly outweigh the costs, but at times I can easily see why women might want to quit...and run away screaming!
The paycheck stinks...let's be honest now. LOL!
The hours are horrific.
The job description is scary.
I mean WHAT would it say, if it were listed in the classifieds?
In need of good, strong courageous women who are willing to be up at all hours of the night; becoming sleep deprived beyond compare.
Willing to clean up after little people again and again and again...and even yet again!
Willing to clean up ANY bodily fluid at a moments notice.
Able to clean crayon and marker off the walls.
Needs to be good at cooking, cleaning, doing mounds and mounds of stinky laundry,wiping tears, kissing booboos, wiping boogers, stopping fights, reading bedtime stories, playing pretend, giggling and being silly, getting dirty, being creative, consoling a crying child...
It's is an overwhelming task that without the help of my Heavenly Father, I wouldn't be able to do it. But somehow the positive outweighs all of those negatives. There are days when I want to rip all my hair out...but then I'd be bald and that just wouldn't be very flattering! So, I choose an alternative. I fall to my knees and ask for help. I don't have a clue how to do it all. But Father in Heaven does!
So, even though this job is the hardest I have ever had, it is the best job too. I am so thankful to be able to see the good things that come. What trials we thought we could never get through have a way of passing and then we look back and see how far we have come; what we have learned that we might not have learned otherwise; we see the blessings. I love the tiny things...the firsts. The first smile, laugh, belly laughs, sitting up, crawling, the wonder of discovering their hands, the first words. I love when they want to be "BIG" just like me. I love when they find joy in Heavenly Father's creations; and no matter how often they see them they bring wonder and happiness to their eyes.
The first day of Nursery is sometimes scary and eventually they learn to love it. The first day of school is terrifying and exciting and I learn to let go a little. Now TJ is 14 and has had his first dance. He'll start High School in a few short weeks...along with early morning seminary. Before I know it he'll be heading off on his mission. When I think about it that way, I enjoy the sitting and holding the baby even more. I soak up every moment with them. We don't have to be perfect house keepers or perfect at making fabulous dinners. We have to try our best. One moment at a time.
I think peanut butter and jelly for supper is a wonderful idea!!!