Sunday, June 26, 2011

A great Sunday!

I absolutely love it when I go to church and come home feeling uplifted and inspired and ready to take on the world! Many Sundays go by that I sit in the hallway holding my squirming, thrashing, screaming two year old. Some Sundays if is rough, but I learned a long time ago that simply attending church meetings so that your children can learn how wonderful it is, is reason enough to be there. It may be difficult for a while, but eventually they grow up a little and sit reverently and sometimes quietly! Today, my sweet husband took our two year old into the hallway for the majority of the times that she needed to be taken out. I am so thankful for him! His kindness allowed me to sit, and actually listen to the guest speakers, the St. Louis Mission President, his wife and his counselors. What an awesome Sunday!

To top that off, I was able to eat my snack, which I can't go without these days, and get into Sunday School before it really got underway. The lesson topic was "Love One Another". So simple, yet so profound. Charity, the pure love of Christ, can have an amazing effect on our lives and the world around us.

Then, as we were about to get things ready for Relief Society, our women's meeting, we were asked to join the Priesthood, men's group, and the youth for a lesson. What an unexpected surprise! President Layton, one of the counselors in the Mission presidency, taught the lesson. You guessed it...on missionary work. The real difference with his lesson was that he made missionary work seem easy. He explained how we can use it in our daily conversations. He made it a lot less scary!

Being the introvert that I am, it is very hard for me to want to share my belief with people, for fear of rejection or simply a negative response. I don't ever like to offend and I don't like confrontation. Although all my experiences with sharing the gospel have gone well, I still get nervous. I really enjoyed the way President Layton took a spin on it. It can be simple.

I can home feeling good, feeling uplifted, feeling inspired, feeling like I can actually share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with out it being an intimidating task.

I am so thankful for the Gospel in my life and the blessings that it brings on a daily basis. I'm thankful for a wonderful and loving husband who is so kind and forgiving and caring and for my awesome children who sometimes test me and try my patience so that I can grow and become the women I am meant to be. My children have a way of putting a smile on my face when I need it most!

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