Friday, December 3, 2010

Life Lessons

In my life I have learned much. I continue to learn much. I hope to be able to continually learn great things to help improve myself and my family. I find it quite interesting that no matter how hard we matter how much effort we put into becoming better...there is always more to do. That's not a bad thing. It's good. Think about it....for all the time spent learning and improving...there is always more that we can learn. I won't stop here, at this moment in time, just like I am today. Thank goodness! I'll keep getting better.

I love listening to others who have lived longer than I. They have gained so much knowledge and wisdom. And I my heart and mind open to new ideas, new strategies, new ways of being? I try...all the be very open minded. No one thinks the same way, and that can be a blessing. Others' ideas give a new perspective; opens the eyes; helps to see things more clearly. The fog lifts and the light bulb turns on. Aha! New knowledge flows quickly, filling empty spaces, that were waiting to be filled.

I'm surely not done learning and I am so thankful for that. I might not have a formal college education, but I research, I poke, I prod, and turn over new rocks and leaves...looking for more knowledge. It's all around us...begging to be found.

Some knowledge comes from trials; events in our lives that cause us to learn. What a great time to take a step back and really ponder and observe and learn. What could I have done differently? What could I have worded more kindly? What facial expressions could I have changed? What reactions or overreactions could I have eliminated by taking a deep breath, stopping, and thinking, before responding?

I'm grateful for this time on earth to become a better person. I hope that when I meet my Father in Heaven again he will be pleased with the person I have become.

1 comment:

  1. And this is exactly one of the reason I love you, Kara! You are an amazing open-minded person who has a thirst for knowledge. It's so fun to be around you! I'm so glad we at least have the internet. Now that we're spread across the state.
