Yesterday morning I got a text from my friend's daughter telling me that she and TJ thought we should have chimichangas for dinner that night. At first I groaned. Ugh! There's not time. Then I realized that it was 7:30 in the morning and I had plenty of time to put meat in the crock pot. Having dinner decided ahead of time is a magical thing! It saves me so much stress.
I ran downstairs and grabbed the beef roast and a bag of frozen chicken breasts from the freezer and set about putting the ingredients needed into the pots. Once finished I set the temperature and let it do its work.
A few hours later the wonderful aroma filled the wall of our home. Mmmm! I couldn't wait to eat dinner!
Dinner was, not only delicious, but fun. We enjoyed good company, yummy food, and tasty warm cookies...compliment of Lauren ;).
I always get stumped when trying to come up with something for lunch. Meals...ugh. I remembered my leftover chimichanga meat and an idea popped into my head. I cooked up a bag of frozen mixed veggies, sprinkled in a bit of salt and pepper and some southwestern seasoning. Then added the chicken to the pan. I kept trying to think of s o m e t h i n g that would make this dish somehow better. Light bulb! I sprinkled in a bit of taco seasoning, placed the veggie/meat mixture onto the brown rice and topped it with a little salsa. Yummy, spicy, satisfying meal. Success!