As I was looking at some photos and the posts of a friend I grew up with I realized how sad I was at the lifestyle this person chose to have. And then I was reminded of this great country and the freedoms that we are blessed with. We all have choices in life to make and it's up to us what kind of person we will become.
One of the greatest lessons I have learned so far in my life is that we are all so very different. We each have different likes, dislikes, passions, aversions, obsessions, and tastes. Our outlook on life is different depending upon the things we have gone through to get where we are. Our circumstances are different, whether by our own doing or by the choices of others. Looking at all these vast differences I realize how important it is that we learn to appreciate those one another FOR our differences. Our differences make this Nation great!
We shouldn't hate others merely because they have differing beliefs than ours. We should know their beliefs and appreciate the individual for the beliefs they have, and then respect them. There are times when we may have to distance ourselves from certain people because we feel their lifestyle/beliefs are inappropriate for us or our families.
Father in Heaven loves each of us, and our differences. He would have us love one another and be kind to one another. I think, this Independence Day, more of us in this world should try to show more love and kindness to one another than we have before. Let's make this world a better place to live in for ALL people of all races/ethnic backgrounds and all different religious backgrounds! God bless us all as we strive to be better people! Happy Independence Day!