Well, it's been over a month now and we are more settled into our new home. I have not taken pictures yet. I am still trying to get used to the new schedule, new area, getting sleep, etc.
This is the start of the 3rd week of school for the boys. They are all enjoying school. Amazingly enough, they all love their teachers and love their schools. The transition to a new school has been much easier than I imagined. TJ absolutely LOVES middle school! He LOVES having a locker, moving from room to room and getting to know the kids. I challenged him one day to go up and introduce himself to someone that he thinks might become a good friend and part of the challenge was that he had to find out the person's name and tell me. So, he came home from school and said, "Hey Mom, ... Sam." And he giggled and walked away! He is maturing and growing up so fast! He now has a cell phone which he brings to school. He texts once he is on the bus in the morning and also on his way home. He loves to send texts to family. He is really enjoying the new responsibilities and privileges that come with growing up! Alex has already found a couple of friends. He was so worried that he wouldn't make friends easily, but he has. He has also signed up for Flag Football here. He begged me to let him do it. I was shocked to find out that it's free. We only needed a couple of items for personal equipment and then it's free. How awesome! Max is adjusting well so far. He seems to like his teachers and is doing pretty well with a part-time one-on-one. He is making little friends all over the school, just like he did at Hyde! Colin is absolutely loving school. His teacher is so sweet and perfect for him! He didn't like kindergarten, but he loves first grade and he too has found a couple of good friends already! We have been so blessed to feel so loved so quickly here!
Our new Ward is wonderful. I feel very comfortable with them. The kids, with the exception of Max, transitioned really well at church. Max had a really hard time. He would run, kick, hit, resist, and scream when it was time for Primary. It was really hard...for him...and for me. He hasn't had fits like that in a really long time. For that I am truly grateful! At 8 years old, he's getting really strong. When a fit comes, I almost need Todd to hold him down....but I'm still stronger right now! :) The fit throwing lasted the first 2-3 weeks and now he goes right to class without a problem. What a blessing! We have already sung in the choir, have new callings, and are making friends.
But Almost everything went backwards with this move. I was prepared for ALL the things that usually go wrong when you relocate, so those things didn't go wrong! LOL! A funny one...I filled out the form to forward our mail and the post man took. It got lost and we weren't getting out mail. Many phone calls later I found out I could fill out a new form at our local post office. That finally did the trick. Thank goodness!
I've been on the search for a new doctor. I think that is one of the hardest changes of all. We had a fabulous doctor in St. Joseph who is very supportive and wonderful.
I called in advance to set up an appointment with a new doctor. I told the secretary that I needed to find a doctor who is supportive if opting out of immunizations and she assured me that this doctor would. So...today we went to a doctor. The office staff is sweet and pleasant. The doctor seemed nice and pleasant at first. Listened to everything I had to say and asked what the purpose of the was. I answered and then he very politely and with a practiced soft tone told me that my not immunizing was a very poor choice. His body language spoke MUCH louder than his words. He continued to explain that there were many diseases that my children could get that are deadly. I nodded and told him that I understood that. Then he shook his head and continued to explain that there have been larger outbreaks of diseases and that those who are contracting them are children who have not been immunized. I understand that as well. I finally smiled and as politely and calmly as I could I said, "I did ask, before I made the appointment, if you would be supportive of my not immunizing some of my children. Your office staff assured me that you did. If you are not comfortable supporting this decision I am very willing to find a doctor who does." He brushed me off with a non-visible roll of the eyes (it was felt!!) and asked why I chose to opt out. I explained that I have a son with ADHD and one with Autism and that Bi-polar runs in the family. He apparently did not feel those were good enough reasons and proceeded to tell me that there are no accurate studies to support the idea that immunizations have anything to do with Autism. Well, as you can probably guess, I plastered a smile on my face, chatted sweetly with the office staff and took Alex to school. Inside my head I was grumbling and growling and trying to focus on what Alex was telling me as I drove.
Talking to my Mom helped me calm down and bit and then I decided it was time to blog. I am now on the search again for a different doctor. I am not a fan of being uncomfortable with a doctor. And HE was certainly not comfortable with my decision. I do not enjoy being made to feel small, and he had the kind of personality that could easily make you feel poorly with out saying the words. I feel for his family! I wanted so badly to tell him off....but that would have been un-Christlike. I wish people would stop being so closed minded. We need to appreciate each others differences and NOT treat them badly just because they think differently. So, I will calmly look for another doctor! I pray that Heavenly Father with put on in my path that will work well for our family.